Things to keep in mind for the midterm exam!!

1) The exam is all multiple choices and will consist of 50 multiple choice questions….2pts each!!!

2) The exam will ask questions from each chapter covered after you are given a little scenario to read. The first chapter is the only one that will not have a scenario on the exam. The format of your exam will be similar to that of the Mock Midterm exam!!

Chapter things to keep in mind:

Module 1(chapters 1, 5 & 7)

For chapter 1:

-        Make sure you understand the different terms involved in cellular changes (eg. Atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, etc.). Be sure to know what would cause the cells to undergo each type of change.

-       You will also see some of the terms from the list that I posted in chapter one (eg. Prognosis, autopsy, etc.)

For chapter 5

-       Make sure that you understand that if a term end in “itis” this means that it is a disorder involving inflammation

-       Know the difference between exudates from a viral (serous, watery) and bacterial (purulent, pus)

-       Know the cardinal signs of inflammation (redness, warmth, etc) and know why each of these occurs.

For chapter 7

-       Know about the different types of tissue and transplant rejection (eg. If an identical twin gives another twin a piece of her liver, what type is that? = Isograft).

-       What are some things that are done with patients to prevent organ rejections from occurring?

-       Know about AIDS and what happens with T cells and B cells with a person infected

-       Know/understand the 4 way in which immunity is acquired (eg. Naturally acquired passive immunity)

-       Know the different types of hypersensitivity reactions: eg.

o    A person has an anaphylactic reaction; this would be an example of type? = type I

o   A person who is given the wrong blood type (given blood type A blood but he is blood type B)…what type of hypersensitivity reaction is this?= type II


Module 2 (chapters 6 & 20)


For chapter 6


-       Know the different terms as they relate to the “onset and course of diseases” (eg. Incubation period, prodromal period, acute period, etc.)

-       Know how to control the transmission of infection


For chapter 20


-       Know about cancers: how to name them, how to grade them, how to stage them, how they spread, etc.


Module 3 (chapters 2, 10 & 11)


For chapter 2


-       You will see a question very similar to the one on the last case study….you will be given values and asked to diagnose the patient (respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, etc.)

-       If you are still having problems figuring out the diagnosis of your patient even after watching the lecture video and doing the practice problem sheet then please try to get with  me or someone who understand how to determine it as this will be the basis for answering all the rest of the questions for this section.

-       You will be asked if there is compensation occurring, if it is partial or complete? If it is renal or respiratory? If the urine is acidic or alkaline

-       Understand what condition patients with acidosis are often faced with and how is it treated. (hint: is it hypercholeremia, hypercalcemia, or it is hypokalemia? It might not be any of these but at least you know where in your notes to check)


For chapter 10 & 11


-       You will be asked about the anemias……know how to do a punnet square to calculate for a recessive disease like sickle cell anemia. (eg. If mom is a carrier (Ss) and dad does have sickle cell (ss) then what are the chances of having a child with the disease…

o   If someone has an “allele for the disease then it means they are a carrier (Ss)….if they do not have an allele for the disease then they are not a carrier

-       You will also see a similar set up of question about the anemias like on your “mock midterm exam”.

o   Eg. What type of anemia could she have?

o   What would a blood test reveal about the appearance of her RBC?

o   How would you treat this type of anemia?